Syl's Blog

Trip to Seattle (and Engagement!)

This past Saturday, my partner and I left for Seattle. We live in Tennessee, so it was quite a flight all the way to the other end of the country. We had some hiccups on our first day, and we were exhausted after an early flight and very little sleep, but all in all it was an incredible trip!

Syl's Blog

We spent our first day checking into our Vacasa home and getting the rental car and things sorted. Then we took a nap! We were exhausted after getting only a couple of hours of sleep the night before and then the long flight, during which we gained three extra hours. After our nap, we went out for some late-night food and found a place called Dick's Drive-In. Their burgers and fries hit the spot, and we liked the food so much that we ended up doing another late-night run for it the following evening.

The house we stayed in was a Scandinavian-style tiny house. Unfortunately, the previous guest had broken the fridge, but it wasn't a big deal. The property manager supplied a cooler for us just in case, but we didn't need to use it, and everything else was perfect. I loved our little digs for the long weekend. The next morning, we had breakfast at Patty's Egg Nest, which we agreed is 10/10 and probably the best breakfast we've ever had -- no joke, before heading out to Chihuly Garden and Glass.

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The glassworks at Chihuly were incredible. I think my favorite was the giant rock candy stick, which I very badly wanted a small edible version of, but the sea room comes in a close second. The glass pieces in that room were designed to look like octopi, crabs, eels, and other sea creatures. The way the light reflected the glass on the walls throughout the museum was gorgeous as well. The whole thing was a feast for the eyes. After Chihuly, we walked around Seattle Center and got some roasted corn. Apparently roasted corn is a common street food in Seattle because we saw it everywhere!

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That night, we got all fancied up and went out to a nice Italian restaurant called Brunello. I got the farfalle with salmon and peas, and my partner got halibut with pasta and veggies. We finished up with a chocolate layer cake for dessert. It was absolutely delicious all around, and it was nice to get gussied up for a change and have a proper date night.

Afterward, we went back to the house to change back into casual clothes, and then we took the train to the Space Needle, Seattle's most iconic monument. It was gorgeous at night with all the city lights below us, but the experience was made even more special by the fact that my partner proposed! Yes, we got engaged on the top of the Space Needle! Although I haven't shown it here, we have video of the moment that a very kind stranger took for us. It was the perfect way to cap off an incredible day, and Seattle -- and the Space Needle -- will forever have a place in my heart.

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The next day, we had a very chill morning at the Waterfront and Public Market. We rode the Great Wheel and got a good view of the Waterfront, and we did some shopping. I found a copy of my favorite book, which I've been trying to get my hands on for a while -- The Innkeeper's Song by Peter S. Beagle. It's so hard to find it for some reason, but I finally managed to snag a copy at a secondhand bookstore in the Public Market. I also bought a Spirited Away No-Face pin and a couple of souvenirs for my mom and sister. We stopped by a chocolate shop called Indi Chocolate and bought a truffle and some coffee beans. It was a very nice, relaxed morning and a great way to rest after the high of the night before.

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After shopping and experiencing the Waterfront, we headed to Neumos in Capitol Hill to see our favorite band, VOLA, perform live. We had a meet-and-greet with them beforehand, where we got each of their autographs and just chilled with them for a while before the show started. It was great seeing my partner's eyes light up as he talked to the band about playing music and getting back into singing. The concert itself was incredible. I danced and head-banged my heart out. They had two opening acts, Wheel and Bent Knee, who put on equally amazing shows. Wheel was described to us as "Tool but not really," which turned out to be accurate, and Bent Knee had a very bluesy set that made me want to listen to them way more often. Capitol Hill is a laid-back area of the city full of cafes, bookstores, and bars. Before the show, we hung out at a barcade and stopped in a cafe/bookstore, where I picked up The Wicked King by Holly Black. It was a really fun evening!

We spent the entirety of the last day traveling home, as we had a pretty long layover and lost three hours on the way back. I've been so tired this week at work as a result, so I'm ready to get some rest this weekend, but the trip was well worth it. I'll never forget that night on the Space Needle, and the whole experience adds up to be my favorite vacation yet -- better than the UK and France! I definitely want to go back to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest someday and hopefully spend more time exploring.
